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Medical Supplies Wholesale

Medical Supplies Wholesale

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Executive summary

The Medical Supplies Wholesaling industry distributes dental and medical supplies and equipment intended to improve or maintain health. Demand for wholesale activities associated with these products is highly correlated with demand for the products themselves. Over the five years to 2022, the median age of the population rose, which pushed up the number of age-related, nonelective procedures performed in the United States. Rising product prices have also supported industry growth. Over the five years to 2022, industry revenue is expected to increase at an annualized rate of 3.3% to total $307.3 billion.
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Each report includes:

industry revenue;

industry profit;

industry margin;

industry employment;

industry major players;

industry key external drivers;

industry product & structure segmentation;

industry key trends;

industry Life Cycle;

industry Geographic Breakdown;

industry Key Success Factors;

industry Key statistics for previous years;

forecast of industry Key statistics for the next 5 years;

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Reference Wordlist

High barriers to entry mean that new companies struggle to enter an industry, while low barriers mean it is easy for new companies to enter an industry.

Compares the amount of money spent on capital (plant, machinery and equipment) with that spent on labor.
IBISWorld uses the ratio of depreciation to wages as a proxy for capital intensity. High capital intensity is more than $0.333 of capital to $1 of labor; medium is $0.125 to $0.333 of capital to $1 of labor; low is less than $0.125 of capital for every $1 of labor.

The dollar figures in the Key Statistics table, including forecasts, are adjusted for inflation using the current year (i.e. year published) as the base year. This removes the impact of changes in the purchasing power of the dollar, leaving only the "real" growth or decline in industry metrics. The inflation adjustments in IBISWorld’s reports are made using the US Bureau of Economic Analysis’ implicit GDP price deflator.

Spending on industry goods and services within the United States, regardless of their country of origin. It is derived by adding imports to industry revenue, and then subtracting exports.

Colloquial Terminology

The transmission of electronic documents between businesses from one computer system to another.

A group of businesses that form to leverage their purchasing power and gain discounts from vendors based on their collective buying power.

A type of managed care organization that provides a form of healthcare coverage that is fulfilled through providers with which the HMO has a contract.

A system used at checkout in retail stores using computers and cash registers to capture transaction data at the time and place of sale.

A technology that tracks products from the time they leave the assembly line to the time they leave the store by releasing continuous signals from a chip.

A trend within retail and manufacturing industries where producers supply goods directly to retailers, eliminating the need for independent wholesalers.


The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic spurred demand for medical supplies from hospitals facing a shortage of personal protective equipment, including respirators, surgical gloves and other supplies, that help protect doctors and nurses from contracting and spreading the coronavirus. To meet this demand, industry wholesalers worked with state and federal government agencies to ensure that necessary equipment and supplies were distributed to the healthcare facilities with the most need. However, healthcare providers were also unable to provide elective and non-essential healthcare services due to the virus. Without these services, most healthcare providers had less demand for medical supplies. Additionally, with national attention on the industry and a critical need for these products, wholesalers mostly avoided raising prices for crucial medical supplies. As a result, the industry profit margin is expected to decline. However, as COVID-19 restrictions are rolled back, demand for healthcare products has recovered, resulting in an estimated 5.4% revenue increase in 2022.

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